Locations in Alaska

Fbx, Alaska Walking in snow, idle truck, raven, January '21

Fbx, Alaska Cranes in late summer, 2022

Fbx, Alaska Rain in August '22

Fbx, Alaska Thunder, rain, vehicles, June 2024

Fbx, Alaska Along Chena under bridge on Peger Rd, boat zooms by, waves


Locations in Illinois

Ina, IL Small waves at Rend Lake


Locations in North Dakota

Mayland, ND Gas station near the Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge


Locations in Tennessee

Knox, TN Tyson park under Tyson McGhee Park St bridge, which Third Creek runs under. July 2022. Heard in Anniversary Leaves.

Knox, TN Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary, streams

Knox, TN Night ambience after a rain storm

Knox, TN Summer thunder and some rain, July 2023. Extreme thunder clap at 7:21 that sets off car alarm. Another at 8:44

Knox, Tn A survey of thunder: a collage of thunder recorded over the summer in Knoxville.

Knox, Tn - Evening ambience on a hill in East Knoxville


Locations in Canada

Yukon, Canada Small waves on small rocks at Kluane Lake

Yukon, Canada Light rain on the water of Marsh Lake