In A Time of Change (ITOC) - Boreal Forest Stories

In a Time of Change (ITOC) is an Alaska-based arts-humanities-science consortium that facilitates and produces transdisciplinary events and exhibits focused on social-ecological themes, including climate change, wildfire, predator control, and the role of microbes in environmental health. Over the next year, I will work closely with artists and scientists as a part of In a Time of Change: Boreal Forest Stories. This project will feature multiple artists and humanists working in a variety of media, following regular interactions with scientists, to produce original works that communicate narratives rooted in the boreal forest, including its ecology, its inhabitants, and their interactions. Learn more about ITOC here

Moving Through the Boreal Forest presents a sonic ecosystem of field recordings throughout Alaska, found sounds from my explorations throughout In A Time of Change: Boreal Forest Stories (ITOC), and performed sounds of my own creation. The timbral diversity of various percussion instruments combined with the many sounds of the boreal forest presents a sonic dialogue that has been of primary interest to me throughout ITOC, as both a music performer and as a listener and learner of this particular biome. The field recordings reorient the percussion instruments back to their original material state: wood, metal, stone, earth, and skin. In turn, the performed sounds open up the expressive aspects of the forest itself. At times the field recordings are most prominent, other times the performed sounds are heard alone, and occasionally the two are indistinguishable.

Unedited Field Recordings

Moving Through the Boreal Forest Live @ The Nave, 4/20/24

Phyllocnistis Populiella - Collaboration with Maïté Agopian

Inspired by a scientific talk about the life cycle of aspen serpentine leaf miner moth during "In a Time of Change" art and science project. 2020 - 2022

Concept, image, text, clip editing by Maïté Agopian | Soundtrack by Sean Dowgray

This video is the projection part of a live performance. Imagine a wooden puppet moth, coming out of winter to slowly start her one danse as the projection is happening.

Fairbanks, AK - 2022 - early frost